Twiddle muffs offer comfort for dementia patients
Attending a healthcare appointment can be a worrying time for many people, but for those patients who have dementia a hospital can be an extremely confusing and distressing situation.
Driver Care Assistants Jackie Allen and Sarah Richardson decided to do something to help these patients and have been using all their spare time to make "twiddle muffs".
The twiddle muffs help to calm dementia patients while they are in hospital and both Jackie and Sarah have been handing them out in the discharge lounge at Broomfield Hospital.
Neil Berry, HTG-UK Resources Director, said: "The twiddle muffs are such a great idea and make a big difference for patients who have dementia and maybe feeling distressed while they are waiting to go home in the discharge lounge.
"Jackie and Sarah have been using all their spare time to knit the twiddle muffs and this really embodies the wonderful caring spirit of our colleagues at HTG-UK."
Both Jackie and Sarah were both named HTG-UK Employee of the Month in recognition of their outstanding efforts to go above and beyond to help a vulnerable group of patients.